indirect request

美 [ˌɪndəˈrekt rɪˈkwest]英 [ˌɪndəˈrekt rɪˈkwest]
  • 网络间接请求
indirect requestindirect request


an expression of some desire or inclination
I could tell that it was his wish that the guests leave
his crying was an indirect request for attention
Synonym: wish


  1. Indirect request is a speech act in which the requests are performed in an indirect manner .


  2. In response to the indirect IOR request , the Node Agent returns a direct IOR to an application server that is running the EJB .


  3. If the infringed is dead , whose close relatives as indirect victims request the infringer to assume the tort liability , contributory negligence of the direct victim shall be considered , so that the liability of the infringer may be reduced .
